Tuesday 5 May 2009

How can three journeys be affected if you unndertake only two journeys?

By travelling on Swiss Railways, which used to be world famous for punctuality, cleanliness, comfort and so on!

Last tuesday, I set out for some meetings at Geneva Airport. Swiss Rail's internet system informed me that this ought to involve one journey from my local station to Zurich, where I would have to take a second train that would get me to Geneva Airport.

I duly bought my ticket and boarded the train - only to find it stop unexpectedly in the middle of the countryside! No apology or explanation! But a few minutes later, the journey restarted and we arrived in Zurich with only a couple of minutes delay.

The connecting train had not departed, so though I had been anxious about it, I was able to catch it and breathed a sigh of relief. I settled into my seat for the ride.

Halfway though, however, the train screamed to a sudden halt which had cans and other objects flying through the carriage. After a few seconds, we were informed that there was a delay for technical reasons.

The journey eventually recommenced.

However, when we arrived at Geneva, we were unexpectedly informed that this was the trtain's last stop and that all pasengers for the airport would have to take the next available train to the Airport. That train, due at 18 minutes past the hour was in turn delyed, so that I eventually reached the airport 37 minutes later than I should have done

Now I am on my way back. The journey started on time, but the journey on our train was, without prior warning, terminated at Biel. The connecting train was further down the same platform so that was not desperately inconvenient. But when I changed trains at Zurich, that train started 13 minutes late "for technical reasons".

There seems to be a lot going wrong technically with Swiss Rail at present.

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