Thursday 19 June 2014

Switzerland slowly going mad? - an Update

At the end of one of my most-viewed posts on this Blog on Switzerland, I had asked: how soon will Swiss culture degenerate to the condition of Africa or India?

It appears to me to be degenerating quite fast:

1. When I first started living in Switzerland, some 19 years ago, graffiti used to be confined to only one street: Langstrasse in Zurich. Now, graffiti can be found, from Zurich, along the train lines (well, at least at stations) all the way to Frauenfeld to the east in Switzerland, and all the way to Geneva in the West. I don't often travel the other lines, so I can't say about the rest of Switzerland; perhaps some readers can help me with information on that?

2. Physical debris never used to litter the streets, whether in the big cities or in the smallest villages. Now, as far as my observations go, debris is still hardly ever found in the small villages, but it is in all the big cities, and even in the small town where I live (population: 10,000).

3. Yesterday, returning by train from Zurich to "my" small town, I discover the first case of vandalism here: someone had smashed the toughened dark glass which formed the wall at the Railway Station's toilets - was it because he was impatient that someone was in the toilet for too long? Or because he wanted to get at someone in the toilet? Or just because he was frustrated or angered by something? Oh, I guess I shouldn't be sexist: it could have been a woman of course.

In any case, Swiss people have now started physically destroying their own country....

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