Thursday 1 September 2011

Train travel in CH does have some inconveniences!

One inconvenience is very loud annuncements in the train and on train stations(there is an opposite problem in UK, which has unprofessioinally soft announcements in strange accents!) And these announcements last ages, as they must, because they have to be in three or even four languages. But the irritating thing is that the announcements cover not only the relevant announcements, about train destinations and such, but also long sales announcements from the train vendor of coffee et al

The second inconvenience is quite extraordin​ary: that the train network still isn't properly linked to wireless broadband yet, with the result that you can't access emails during the otherwise very pleasant train journeys here. Actually, you CAN access emails, but the connection breaks unexpected and without any announcement (!) with the result that you have to log back into the system, then into your provider, and then into your email system. Once you have done that about 3 times in the mountains, you are so fed up that you desist entirely. At least that is what has happened with me. I don't even try to get on to email.

Nor, for that matter, do I try to make 'phone calls during train journeys - for the same reason. No doubt, fellow-passengers consider that a mercy! Actually, I do too.... But it is an inconvenience nevertheless.

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